Early Career Psychologists Committee

Chair:Alayna Berkowitz, Ph.D. 

Mission: Support the career development of Maryland psychologists who have obtained their doctoral degrees within the last ten years. Providing early career-oriented training resources for those practicing in various settings, networking opportunities with other early career psychologists and potential mentors, and encouraging active membership and leadership within MPA. The committee strives to provide opportunities for networking, training, and education, mentoring, and other areas of career development and support.

Burnout for Psychologists: How to Actively Manage and Respond


Follow ECPC on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1584270048510635/ 

Interested in joining the committee? Have an idea for an event or webinar? Just want to say "Hi"? Email us at [email protected]

If you want to join the ECPC listserv, send an email to [email protected]